Your challenge is our mission. Your success is our goal.

Our services typically fall into one of these three categories - identifying, building up or restructuring.


We focus on profitability and are on the constant lookout for opportunities. We have a proven track record in FMCG, real estate, tourism, ICT and telecom industry.

Build Up

If an investor is struggling, needs management support or a new strategy map, the GroundStone team is ready to step in and provide support on an equity basis.


We love turnaround cases that combine financial restructuring and turnaround. We aim to accomplish a win – win situation for debt and equity holders by objectively analyzing potential and aligning it with all stakeholders involved.

We act as investors, advisors and turnaround management consultants.

We provide valuable insights, transparency and security, industry knowledge and market understanding thus paving the way to success for foreign investors in Croatia.
Primarily we act in cooperation with our partners, but also offer our core competences to third parties upon request.

  • Our Values

    Our core values are integrity, commitment, authenticity and excellence.
  • Our Network

    Our background provides the unique network of people that possess distinctive knowledge and management experience.

We are deeply involved in our projects and consider ourselves to be more than mere consultants - we strive to not only uncover specific problems and tell you where to go for help, but actually offer solutions and execute them. Complexity and time/cost constraints are part of our everyday life.